Hyderabad: ‘Project Execution has slowly developed into being the single-most significant challenge facing the real estate developers in the country today. As Indian Real Estate grows by leaps and bounds, the challenge of delivering faster and better is gaining tremendous significance. In this light of background Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Association of India(CREDAI), the apex body representing private Real Estate Developers in the country will be organising its 11th National Convention(NATCON) with a theme “Igniting Change in Indian Realty”.
To be held at the most exotic Marina Bay Sands property in Singapore on the 28th and 29th of April this year the NATCON will discuss the key drivers which will bring about a positive change in the industry. The Conference Sessions will throw light on various aspects of speed to market, operational efficiency and latest technology – all of which will help our fellow developers in the years to come,’informed Mr. Lalit Kr. Jain, the newly elected President of CREDAI. And urged all those with a long-term interest in Indian Real Estate to attend the meet.
Mr. Kamal Nath, Union Minister for Urban Development, Government of India has consented to attend the convention.
The event is supported by Singapore Tourism Board, International Enterprise (IE), Singapore, Building Construction Authority (BCA), Singapore, Real Estate Developers’ Associations of Singapore (REDAS), Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA) Singapore, Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) will be the knowledge Partner.
With offices across India in many cities including one at Hyderabad, the 11th NATCON will see more than 1000 delegates including developers, influencers, decision makers, representatives of stakeholder groups and distinguished individuals from across the Real Estate spectrum of the country and abroad, converge on a common platform. Apart from deliberating the most pressing issues plaguing the sector, attendees would be looking to forge relationships, exchange ideas and absorb the subsequent learning from such engagements to chart the road ahead for the decade.
The CNBC AWAAZ CRISIL CREDAI Real Estate Awards will also be conferred on the first day of the convention.
The other focus of the convention apart from learning from each other to address challenges would be the thrust for better governance and removal of blockages in the approval process for projects. Mr. Lalit Kr. Jain, the new President of CREDAIsays, ‘through this convention, we will start the process of change, which will bring more transparency and efficiency in government, and substantially reduce the administrative cost of government. More than everything it will save money of consumers- the home seekers.’ He also revealed that the 11th NATCON will see the most number of cities represented.
For Further Information: Somit Biswas: +91 9873723210