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7 Things To Consider Before Getting An Australian Visa Amidst Covid-19

Ah, Australia! People who don’t live there tend to have a lot of romantic notions about this country and what it’s like to live there. Whether you just want to visit Australia, or you want to move there for a period of time to experience life “down under,” there are several things you need to consider in light of COVID-19.


Australia Is Just Starting to Reopen


Australia had a head start on its quarantine and lockdown procedures for COVID-19. They were already a couple of months into it when the U.S. finally started its lockdown and quarantine procedures. Now, they have practically eliminated most of their cases, and the whole country is starting to reopen.


People can travel there, but only if they can pass the tests on the way into the country through the airport checkpoints. To be sure you are not carrying the virus from the U.S. to Australia, get tested the day before you plan to fly. If possible, get a doctor’s note stating that you are free of the virus. This helps process you faster through customs and the landing gate.


There Are Major Restrictions for Immigrants


Just about every migration agent Perth and other Australian cities have been notified of the fact that Australia has cut down on the number of immigrants allowed to enter the country. Right now, only 160,000 immigrants will be allowed to enter the country. Anyone attempting to migrate semi-permanently or permanently into Australia will have to wait another year and reapply to enter.


You Will Be Quarantined If You Are Allowed Into the Country


Anyone coming into Australia will be quarantined for at least two weeks, if not more. It does not matter if you had a clean bill of health when you left your country of origin or if you have no symptoms at all when you land. For the sake of all of Australia’s inhabitants, everyone coming in serves their time in quarantine. Plan ahead adequately by bringing a lot of books or something to keep you busy.


Of the Annual Visas Allowed, a Small Percentage Are Regional Visas


Of the 160,000 people that will immigrate to Australia and be granted permission to stay under a visa program, 23,000 visas will be “regional only” visas. These visas restrict said applicants to a particular region of the country. If you know that you will be attending university or working in Sydney, for example, your visa will restrict your movement to that area within a certain number of kilometers. You are not allowed to travel outside of your region if you apply for and receive a regional visa.


Permanent Residency Requirements via a Regional Visa


If you want permanent residency through your regional visa, you have to stay in your specified region for three years. This means that you cannot leave the country, and you cannot leave your region for all three years. Then you will be granted permanent Australian residency and the right to travel outside your region.


If You Contract COVID-19 While in Australia, You Will Not Be Allowed to Leave the Country


Deportation doesn’t happen as much as it once did here because of the changes that came with the virus. Additionally, anyone that does have the virus will not be allowed to return to their country of origin to prevent new epidemics of the disease. If you are diagnosed while in Australia, you will remain there in quarantine until you recover and no longer pose a threat to global populations.


If Australia Closes Its Borders Again, You Cannot Leave


Many countries that closed their borders to foreign travelers did so to prevent an influx or outgoing spread of the disease. Australia was no exception. Right now, the country is doing very well, but if another major surge in cases occurs and Australia closes its borders again, you cannot leave. That is why it is so important to consider these things seriously and make contact with an immigration specialist the minute you land in Australia to discuss what to do in the event that any of these situations occur during your stay here.



Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time

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