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8 fun things to do on the internet

The amount of time that all of us spend on our phones or on our laptops is increasing day by day. Then why not have some fun while you are at it. Not everyone is an outdoors person and can spend a pretty penny on outdoor events to have fun.

But hey, with a little creativity you can turn any Sunday into a fun day in the virtual world.

1. Photo editing

Whether you are a photography enthusiast or whether you have a super smartphone that takes amazing photos, there is nothing like creating memories and working with them to reserve them for the future.

There are several photo editing apps online that are ridiculously simple to use. Play around a little and you will be able to save the precious memories with friends and family with your self-edited albums.

2. Games online

If your weekly conversations with friends have become too gloomy, time to spike up the adrenaline with some fun and games. The virtual kind. Playing online games can help you deal with stress and boost your overall mood. If you are a word nerd then you can play Words With Friends 2 and basically challenge your brother, uncle, grandma, coworker to a scrabble type online board game. With odd letters like Z and Q lining up your tileboard, you will have a creative time building words. Other interesting games include Ludo, Fortnite. Best Fiends Stars, You Don’t Know Jack, Minecraft, NBA 2k20, Decurse, Pokemon Go and so on.

3.Virtual tours

Whether you have the budget to travel or not, everyone can afford a virtual tour of the world. A number of monuments, museums, exhibitions and landmarks across the world have shared their official tours for free during this quarantine. Additionally, there are many other resources available that help you travel virtually around the world such as AirPano.

Go to Machu Picchu without leaving your home, or take a tour of The Louvre in Paris. If you are techgeek, then The National Museum of Computing in Milton Keynes might just be your thing. If you are in a hurry but still want to experience a slice of the world, then take a 3-minute tour of Tokyo city.

4.Learn a new language

If technology has made the world your oyster, it is only natural that you should pick up a few languages other than your own. Head to DuoLingo to learn any language for free. Learning a new language is not only fun, but it helps shape your personality, broaden your outlook and helps your career.

Many language apps like DuoLingo are absolutely free but some others like Babbel are paid. Either way, you will soon be on your way to become a polyglot.

5.Online casinos

If you haven’t tried out online casinos yet, then you are in for a delightful surprise. With live games, dealers, playing with real money and options like slots, roulette, blackjack and all your favourite casino games, an online casino is a world within itself. Go to NetBet and check out the sheer range of games and special offers within a variety of themes.

With online casinos such as NetBet you will also find a lottery section and a range of product for sports betting on NetBet Sports.

6.Tour the solar system

Why limit yourself to a tour of the world when you can take a tour of the galaxy with some brilliant space sites. Probes that have visited other planets, comets and asteroids have sent back some incredible pictures. You can see storms on Jupiter, Oceans on Europa, mudslides on Mars etc.

Discover the cosmos with these unique photographs from around the galaxy.


If you have a way with words and are always looking for channels to express yourself then writing a blog or creating your own YouTube channel is a great way to keep yourselves busy and make some money on the site.

There are many online resources and communities that help first time writers overcome their inhibitions and start writing.

8.Try out new recipes

The internet is a virtual treasure trove of recipes. From tried and tested grandma’s recipes to vegan and vegetarian cooking for some healthy meals, to world cuisine that opens up your palate, there is a lot of information available for free and with pictures and videos. Expand your culinary horizons and cook for your family and friends for some bragging rights.


There is a lot of fun you can have online if you are stuck indoors for whatever reason. Make the most of it by being creative and using the resources available online.


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