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Bad breath leaving you embarrassed in front of your group? Here are some tips you can follow

Contributed by Dr.Santosh, Consultant ENT, Head and Neck surgery, Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal

Getting up in the morning only to take in the smell of bad breath isn’t the best way to start a day, right? Not just in the morning, bad breath at any time of the day is unpleasant and quite embarrassing. Bad breath is also called halitosis in medical terms. It can either be temporary or a chronic condition. Bad breath can arrive from the mouth, teeth or even due to an underlying health issue.

Bad breath is a highly common condition that almost everyone experiences at some point of time in their life. This is probably the reason that supermarkets or even small shops on roadsides always have mouth gums, mints, mouthwashes, and other products handy. However, these products only temporarily suppress the bad breath and not take care of the cause of the problem.

Mostly bad breath begins in the mouth and there are many causes for the same. Some of these causes are:

Bad breath can usually be taken care of with better oral hygiene and some lifestyle changes but if it still persists then you must visit your dentist to know of any underlying causes. Some tips to prevent bad breath are:

Ensure that you follow these simple tips and make them a part of your everyday routine to avoid going out with the unpleasant breath. When we step out to interact we people a hint of bad breath can spoil your entire impression.

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