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Bangalore based woman earns over 1 lakh playing mobile games on MPL

Bangalore : Mobile Premier League (MPL) is India’s fastest growing mobile esports platform and one of the most talked-about mobile gaming apps in the country. MPL gives users the opportunity to compete in simple, easy to play mobile games and win real-cash rewards. Winning on MPL is very easy and players have the added benefit of using their earnings to achieve their dreams. Some of MPL gamers have been able to purchase their first motorbikes, new and better mobile phones and even pay their way through college with their earnings on MPL. Mobile Premier League has many success stories to share, one of which is about Ibakodor K Lynser, a young resident of Bengaluru, who recently rose to fame for winning over INR 1 Lakh on MPL. She is a hero among the MPL gamer community and an inspiration for other women gamers.

Ibakodor, moved from Meghalaya to Bengaluru with the dream of becoming independent and successful. While she was pursuing her Bachelors in Nursing, she heard about MPL through a friend. Her curiosity made her download the app and start gaming. “I wanted to be financially independent, even as a student. The idea of winning money motivated me to play regularly and improve my gaming skills. I realized that I enjoy playing mobile games and it made complete sense to utilize my skills to earn money from my hobby” says Ibakodor, who has since completed her studies and is pursuing a career in teaching.

Ibakador feels her life has changed after MPL. She has found an alternative source of income by merely turning her passion into profits. Her popularity has won her many admirers.  Today, after completing 770 tournaments on the app, Ibakodor is one of the top scorers of MPL. Besides winning cash and other rewards she also won a chance to meet one of her favorite celebrities through MPL.

It took regular practice for her to achieve this feat. “Just like any other skill, you need to practice and try to improve after every game” she added. Fruit Dart, which is one of the most popular games on the app, is Iba’s personal favorite too.

“MPL has given me a new identity and confidence. I no longer worry about not having enough money to cope with the growing expenses of living in the city. My lifestyle has improved and I am finally living my dream. I want more and more women gamers to try out MPL. The games on the app are simple and easy to win; anyone and everyone can win big on MPL.” vouches Ibakodor.

She still remembers her first win on MPL and how she literally jumped around her room with joy and excitement. She remembers taking her friends out for a sumptuous meal to a restaurant that they always dreamed of visiting. Ibakodor still relishes every win and has already created a bucket list of things she will do with her future earnings on the MPL app.

MPL is attracting millions of users from across the county and aims to break barriers of age, skill levels and region by making mobile gaming more accessible. The users can participate in a range of skill-based mobile games and compete with over ten of thousands of players in 1v1 or tournament style player formats.  Users can download the app on mpl.live or the Google Play store and App store.

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