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Bid Farewell To Negative Thoughts and Emotions With Jonah Engler

In the era of smartphones and laptops, life has become mundane and stressful. It’s very important to stay positive in mind to achieve success and happiness simultaneously. Unfortunately, negative thoughts can contribute to complex issues like depression, anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem. 

These feelings are not only unpleasant but will also cause hindrance in maintaining social and family relationships. It’s time to get rid of the negative thoughts and start acting positively. But the question is, how? You will be surprised to know that the key to changing your negative feelings lies with you only. All you need to do is understand how you think and the situations that trigger the negative thoughts and minimize the effect accordingly. 

Continue reading to know how practicing a few things and monitoring a few aspects of life will help you to bring back the positive vibes of life. 

What is a negative thought?

You won’t find any precise definition of negative thoughts. It’s more of a feeling that makes you feel low or worse than your present mental state. You continue lamenting the things that have not happened as you wanted or things that you could not achieve. But in the way, you forget about the good things that happened in your life and how you achieved many things. Negative thoughts are toxic to mental and physical health. 

Coping with the emotions

It is not an easy task to cope with the negative thoughts that push you into a world of darkness. Every person has a reason that triggers the negativity within. You cannot do anything good with a negative mindset. Hence, it is necessary to change the negativity into positivity. 

Understand your emotional state

There can be numerous triggers to stressful conditions. A very tiring day at work may trigger negative thoughts. Putting your sincere efforts to achieve something and then being unable to achieve the goal can bring negative emotions. You have to recognize what is the cause that is triggering the negativity. 

Ask yourself,

This analysis will help you to calm down and iterate the trigger in your mind to recognize the situation and consciously stop the negative thoughts with analysis. 

Make the changes

The biggest step is to understand your emotions and understand the causes of the triggers. Now, you can slowly plan how you address the problem. Some common ways to deal with the situation include:

It’s impossible to eliminate every source of stress. Wor pressure will be there. Domestic problems may continue. But that does not mean you will contemplate a single happening instead of trying to change what you can.

Find the right outlet

You can make changes in your life and control your negative emotions. But the stress triggers will continue to exist. Mindful thinking will definitely help in bringing about less frustration. But there should be other healthful outlets too for dealing with these emotions more strongly. 

Always keep in mind that the needs and abilities of people vary from one individual to the other. You can always try the common ways to cope with stressful conditions and also maintain a positive vibe. 

Identify and nullify the negative thoughts

As you start observing your thoughts, you will learn to identify the negative thoughts clearly. Such distorted thoughts lead to distorted behaviors too. 

Jonah Engler always says that identifying and accepting your negative thoughts will give you more power to generate positive thoughts. Past regrets and fear of the future won’t help you to face the challenges. Experience teaches in practical life. But you must not draw negativity from experience that can hinder your growth in the future. Stay positive to achieve better than you aspire to.

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