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Bollywood Extends Support To 92.7 Big Fm’s ‘Kudiyan Di Lohri’”

New Delhi : As the city begins to prepare for one of its favourite festivals this harvest season, 92.7 BIG FM Delhi has planned a rather unique Lohri for its listeners. In its second edition of the successful Kudiyan Di Lohri initiative, the radio station Music Director Shamir Tandon with girls composing a song for Kudiyan Di Lohri at 92.7 BIG FM Delhi stationtoday launched a special song dedicated to the girl child written by noted Bollywood lyricists Sameer and composed by renowned Bollywood composer Shamir Tandon. Listeners can tune-in to listen to the special track ‘Meri Maa’ recorded by little girls starting today and also participate in the celebrations exclusively on 92.7 BIG FM!

Traditionally, families that have witnessed the birth of a boy child celebrate the little boy’s pehli Lohri with an extra dose of enthusiasm and grandeur. With this initiative, 92.7 BIG FM endeavours to engage its listeners and infuse a new spirit into the festival by celebrating the birth of a girl child in the family in an equally BIG way. This week, RJs from 92.7 BIG FM visited families that have been blessed with a baby girl and celebrated their little girl’s pehli Lohri with the same enthusiasm and fervour. To add to the festivities, noted Bollywood lyricist Sameer wrote a special song for the girl child titled ‘Meri Maa’.  Listeners also sent in voice samples of their daughters of which the chosen girls recorded a special song with Bollywood composer Shamir Tandon. The song will be played on 92.7 BIG FM through the week starting today.

Shamir Tandon, who gave music to films like Page 3, Corporate, Traffic Signal, Jail, etc. is very excited about this initiative. While dubbing the special song at 92.7 BIG FM Station in Delhi, Shamir said “I think Kudiyon Di Lohri is a highly commendable and beautiful initiative by 92.7 BIG FM. I am thrilled to be associated with it. This initiative provides me with an exciting opportunity to compose some inimitable music for a great cause. I look at this as a path breaking new platform to do something truly exclusive and special,” he stated.

Adding to him noted Bollywood lyricist Sameer said: “I have written numerous songs during the last 30 years of my career. Kudiyon Di Lohri is an initiative I respect because it is really special, unique and different in what it is trying to achieve. I hope to be able to do something fresh and distinctive for 92.7 BIG FM”.

Well-known writer Neelesh Mishra also appreciated the cause of this show “I have been associated with 92.7 BIG FM closely and must say that Kudiyon Di Lohri is something that is out of the ordinary. The show will send out a strong message of gender equality to our listeners and spark a new revolution. I believe change is vital and shows like Kudiyon Di Lohri will without doubt influence the masses,” he added.

These special songs will be sent to each little girl on a CD as a Lohri Gift from 92.7 BIG FM for her to cherish all her life. All the activities and songs of Kudiyan Di Lohri will be updated on social media. On the day of Lohri, 92.7 BIG FM will celebrate Lohri with its listeners at Janakpuri in Delhi.

Source :  Naresh sharma

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