APN News

Breastfeeding Tips For The New Age Working Moms, Striving To Strike A Balance

Dr. LEENA.CD, Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal


The evolution in time certainly brings with it an evolution in lifestyle and these changes can be experienced on the small everyday routine levels to larger spectrums as well. One of the many changes that are very evident these days is the change that has come about in motherhood as women have gone beyond the household. While this has been an advantage especially with the financial support and exposure, it also has been a challenge for mothers to maintain a balance in both their worlds, especially for the new mothers.

A major struggle that most new working mothers come across these days is that of breastfeeding. This has especially been a concern because of the beneficial importance around breastfeeding that has largely been stressed upon. It is widely accepted that breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants and is also largely significant for mothers to have better health.

We no longer live in the times when women were mostly stay-at-home mothers that did not make feeding complicated. However, now almost all the young mothers are working professionals and face issues and concerns about breastfeeding their child while fulfilling the demands of their workplace. While it may seem a challenge to the new mothers who are already overwhelmed with several emotions at a time, experts say that mothers need not worry about choosing between one and can manage both these activities if they think it through and prepare themselves.

One key aspect that new working moms should keep in mind is that they should not wait until they get back to work to think about combining breastfeeding and working, experts say. Most of these preparatory steps can be started during the initial weeks of the baby being born which is the time when a feeding schedule is being set up and the mother’s milk supply is being established. If some tips are followed before getting back at work itself, then the mother neither needs to compromise the child’s nursing, nor her career.

Some of the smart tips that a mother can keep in mind to manage with breastfeeding and her profession are as follows:











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