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Clariant Healthcare Packaging solutions enhance healthcare products

DSC_0111Mumbai : Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, was at CPhI India 2014 to demonstrate how its commitment to collaborating closely with customers in the pharmaceutical industry can deliver effective and efficient innovations.

Clariant showcased packaging solutions to support the pharmaceutical industry in maintaining drug stability and extending shelf life through its polymer and desiccant packaging solutions.

Clariant Healthcare Packaging has been present in India for over a decade. Clariant’s leadership extends to its range of active pharmaceutical packaging with all the major generic companies on its customer list.

Clariant Healthcare Packaging designs and manufactures controlled atmosphere packaging that helps to protect healthcare products from humidity and oxygen. Its broad portfolio includes industry-leading desiccant canisters and packets; tubes and desiccant stoppers; IDCTM Integrated Desiccant Closure; EQ-Pak® humidity regulators; Tubairless semi-solid dispenser; and PharmaKeep oxygen scavengers.

In the spotlight at CPhI India 2014: Clariant desiccant canisters and packets.

Desiccant canisters from Clariant are the most widely used canisters in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily due to their ability to be inserted at high rates of speed on high velocity packaging lines. The systems used to ensure quality of the desiccant canisters by electronic vision inspection thus ensuring relevant specification parameters are being met for each canister.

Also, Clariant manufactures a wide range of desiccant packets in strip and single form. Unlike other desiccant packets that are marketed to be used on specific insertion machines, Continu-strip® packets from Clariant are versatile and can be used with any packet insertion equipment on the market with minimal modifications.



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