Many patients find that orthodontic surgery, commonly referred to as corrective jaw surgery, changes their lives. This procedure can provide the relief you’ve been seeking if you’ve been having issues with breathing, chewing difficulties, or jaw misalignment. To obtain a more balanced and effective bite, the jawbones are realigned throughout the procedure, which enhances both your overall facial attractiveness and dental health. Orthognathic surgery has never been safer or more successful, despite its intimidating name. This is due to advancements in surgical methods and technology.
What is Jaw Alignment?
The arrangement of the upper and lower jaws with one another is referred to as jaw alignment. For effective chewing, speaking, and general oral health, teeth must fit together correctly while the mouth is closed. This is known as proper occlusion or bite alignment. Issues including an open bite, crossbite, underbite, or overbite can result from misalignment of the jaws. These disorders can result in breathing difficulties, jaw discomfort, trouble speaking, and difficulty chewing. Depending on how severe the misalignment is, correcting the alignment of the jaw typically requires orthodontic therapy or orthognathic surgery.
Types of Jaw Misalignment
- When the front teeth of the upper and lower jaws heavily overlap, overbite results. It may cause the lower teeth to wear down excessively and occasionally alter the facial look.
- Underbite is when the lower front teeth are positioned forward of the upper front teeth due to an excessive forward extension of the lower jaw. This frequently makes the chin seem protruding and might make it difficult to eat or talk.
- When the mouth is closed, some of the upper teeth are positioned inside the lower teeth. Uneven tooth wear can result from crossbite, which can damage one or both sides of the jaw.
- When the mouth is closed, an open bite occurs when there is space between the upper and lower teeth. This may impair speaking and make it challenging to bite into meals.
Surgical Process for Orthognathic Jaw
A well-planned procedure to correct jaw misalignment is included in orthodontic surgery, which is skillfully carried out by Dr. Chirag Chamria at Royal Dental Clinics. The procedure is finished in a single day. In order to make sure the patient is entirely comfortable and pain-free, general anesthesia is administered before the treatment. Following the administration of anesthesia, Dr. Chamria carefully excises the oral cavity, taking care to leave no external scars. The jawbone is carefully probed and realigned by these incisions. After that, the jaw is secured in its new place using plates, screws, or wires to guarantee stability and appropriate healing. The surgical procedure is finished by carefully closing the wounds using dissolvent stitches. If in cases the severity is high, we may advise for Braces selectively.
Timelines for Orthognathic Surgery
The healing process following surgery is essential for the best possible outcome. Priority is given to pain management, which includes the use of cold compresses to minimize swelling and prescription drugs to ease discomfort. Patients can go home the same evening following their one-day surgery, provided they have thorough aftercare instructions. At first, dietary limitations are required; a liquid diet should be followed by a progressive switch to soft foods as healing advances. It is crucial to practice proper dental hygiene, refraining from forceful brushing in the vicinity of the surgery site, and using mild rinses.
Recovery and Follow-up
Dr. Chamria’s follow-up appointments are planned to assess progress and make any required corrections. To minimize problems, physical activity should be restricted to gentle workouts; avoid hard activities. Within the first week, the majority of patients see a noticeable decrease in pain and edema. It may take many months for the jaw to fully heal and recover, during which time it keeps stabilizing in its new position. Patients may anticipate a quick and easy recovery with better jaw function and improved face looks because of Dr. Chamria’s experience and the state-of-the-art facilities at Royal Dental Clinics.
To sum up, orthognathic surgery is a revolutionary treatment for jaw misalignment that provides notable enhancements to both look and functionality. In addition to improving speech, breathing, and chewing, Dr. Chirag Chamria highlights that this operation also improves self-confidence and general quality of life. The best results are guaranteed at Royal Dental Clinics by the mix of cutting-edge methods and individualized attention.