Croma, India’s first and trusted Omni-channel electronics retailer from the Tata Group, has recently opened its new store at Iris Broadway mall in Sector 85 – 86, Gurugram. With the launch of this store, New Gurugram gets its first Croma store, the mega electronic retail destination. Croma is the first national large format retail specialist in the city offering over 16000+ products across 550+ brands.
The store at Iris Broadway is spread across a 12,000 sq. ft. area and is located on the ground and the first floor in block C of Iris Broadway. The store offers a wide range of products from its complete portfolio of TVs, smartphones, digital devices, and household appliances, along with audio and related accessories.
Mr. Aman Trehan, Executive Director, Trehan Iris, said, “The launch of Croma brings the first-ever mega electronic store to New Gurugram which makes us at Trehan Iris equally excited. We have the best of the brand mix at Iris Broadway with 5 anchors, multiple F&B outlets like McDonald’s KFC, Pizza Hut, Dominos, etc, and Inox. Iris Broadway is a 100% leased mall with brands across categories to offer a great choice for everyone. It’s a one-stop destination mall to shop, eat and entertain for every age group.”
Customers will be able to get the assistance and every detail of the product from the highly knowledgeable and expert team of Croma. This will make it easy for them to conclude their buying decision. The store also serves as a full-service store facilitating ease to the customer and further enhancing the after-sales service experience for them.
Mr. Avijit Mitra,MD & CEO, Croma Infiniti-Retail Ltd. said “We are elated to launch our new store in the financial and technology hub of Gurgaon, our expert team is ready to welcome customers and present a curated range of latest electronics for all their electronics shopping needs. Our focus on extending solutions and a promise of assured lifetime service will definitely delight our customers”.
With an already established and aspirational ecosystem of more than 3 Lakhs people residing in the immediate catchment, Croma launch will be a big step in sufficing their electronics and gadgets requirements.”