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Exercise the right way for health benefits

Article by Palak Dengla, Chief Physiotherapist, Aster RV Hospital

Exercising is bad for the joints; thus, I don’t want to do it, according to a widely held belief. Does this sound familiar? Exercising is not damaging to your joints, according to research. In fact evidence shows that exercises strengthen the joints by generating both healthy cartilage and muscular support surrounding them, keeping them stronger for longer, as well as improving hormonal balance, controlling blood sugar, and increasing muscle strength. The stronger the muscles and tissue around your joints, the better they support and protect your joints, and if you do not exercise, your joints will stiffen and become painful. It is critical that your muscles remain as strong as possible. If you don’t exercise, muscles shrink and lose their girth, they weaken providing lesser support to the joints which in turn increases their load on weight bearing positions like running, playing, walking, standing, sitting, bending, and reaching out for objects. This increases the chances of slipped disc, early degenerative diseases like arthritis, and makes you more prone to fracture.

Moreover, the stability of your knees, hips, and other joints is dependent on a supporting network of muscles and ligaments. Exercises that strengthen these muscles and ligaments will enhance your joints over time, making you less susceptible to injury. Weight is used in strength training to progressively increase muscular tone. If you’re new to training, start with bodyweight exercises and progress to weight machines, which give stability as you work out, before moving on to free weights like kettlebells or dumbbells.

The following are some exercises that should be performed correctly:

To discover which option is best for you, consult with your Physiotherapist. They can provide particular recommendations as well as advice on best practices.

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