By Anup Biswas |
Haflong: With the inauguration of Auditorium at Songpijang the First ever MoS package in Dima Hasao was implemented.

The auditorium was constructed under Dima Hasao Autonomous Territorial Council package (MoS) and was inaugurated by Chief Executive Member , N C Hills Autonomnous Council Sri Debolal Gorlosa in presence of Ranu Langthasa, Chairperson, Hen Samuel Changsan, Nandta Gorlosa, Ngamrothang Hmar, EMs, Projit Hojai, Nojit Kemprai, Bimal Hojai, Liton Chakraborty MACs along with a galaxy of dignaterieson Tuesday.
In this connection a well attended meeting was held with Guite in the chair while representatives from different communities took part as special invitees.
Speaking on the occasion, Ranu Langthasa, Nandita Gorlosa, Samuel Changsan etc explained how the present council led by CEM Gorlosa marching ahead for all round develeopment of the people and the places which was not witnessed in earlier days during the role of other political parties. They hoped that people would realise the differnce of earlier government and the present one.
CEM Gorlosa in his speech assured that his team of Council memebrs would work for all without any discrmination keeping in the mind ‘Sab ka sath sab ka Vikash’ since the Prime Minister Modiji and Chief Minister, Sarbanada Sonowal have always been with them. CEM stressing on the importance of brotherhood relation among each tribe and non-tribe said he would work out to fillup the gaps (if any ) between all the comminities living in the district. Lastly he appealed to the people to come forward to make this district an example of everlasting communal harmony, brotherhood and peace .