New Delhi – Fundamento, an AI voice bot for enterprise contact centers is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with Align AI, an analytics and evaluation solution provider that helps businesses understand how well their LLM chatbots, assistants, and agents are working. As part of this partnership, Fundamento will leverage its solutions to jointly develop a world-class solution for contact center automation and transformation.
The global partnership aims to leverage Fundamento’s cutting-edge contact center solution to jointly develop an end-to-end solution for contact center innovation and transformation. The collaboration will enhance contact center productivity using next-generation AI tools.
The partnership came to fruition as both companies are alumni of the Google for Startups program; Align AI is a part of Google For Startup’s AI-First Program in South Korea while Fundamento is a recipient of the Google For Startups Women’s Founder Fund APAC.
“This partnership takes forward Fundamento’s consistent efforts towards delivering a top-class product that redefines the future of contact centres. With Align AI, we are looking to build a stand-apart solution that maximizes the best of both our expertise,” said Ankit Durga, CEO at Fundamento.
“Align AI is excited to partner with Fundamento to bring cutting-edge solutions to the global contact center industry. Our combined expertise will enable us to create a world-class offering that transforms customer service experiences,” said Gijung Kim, CEO at Align AI.