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How Car Modifications Affect Your Car Insurance Premium?

If you are looking to modify your car, you need to inform your insurance provider. When you buy car insurance online, it is assumed that the car is in the exact state like the manufacturer sold it to you. Car insurance quotes are fixed accordingly. Any modification increases the risk and so the insurance costs rise too. Listed in this article are the ways in which you can modify your car and affect its insurance premium. Take a look.

List of modifications that affect car insurance premium rates

Here are a few modifications that affect car insurance premiums:


  1. Engine modification: If you modify the car’s engine, your insurance premium rates will rise. This is because engine modification can lead to changes in the maximum speed of the vehicle. If you are able to drive it faster, the insurance provider associates a higher risk and thereby raises the insurance rates. Inform the insurer as soon as you modify your engine and get it insured accordingly.
  2. Wheel modification: Wheels are commonly modified by vehicle owners. When you get car insurance online, you are given a quote for a car with regular wheels. Modifying the wheels can increase the risk to the car, as wheels offer stability, balance, and support. Tell your insurance provider about the changes made and they will give you a new car insurance quote accordingly.
  3. Brake modification: Many people update the brakes of their vehicle for added security. If you do this, it will count as a car modification and your insurance premium rate will change. Speak to your insurer about it and get your cover re-evaluated at the earliest.
  4. Interior modification: You can calculate car insurance premium online when you modify your car’s interiors. It is important to do so as you need to have a cover for the modified parts such as the pedals, the steering wheel, the seats, etc. You need a proper car insurance plan based on the changes made so that you can easily make a claim when a need arises.
  5. Paint modification: You may never think that painting over the car’s original shade would cost you a higher insurance premium, but it actually could. This is because when you change the paint and the exterior look of the car, it becomes different. If you choose a very shiny, flashy or unique color, your vehicle will stand out among the rest. This can lead to greater theft attempts and make the car more risky to insure. Calculate car insurance premium online if you have done this and see what the new rate is. Pay the premium and stay protected.
  6. Fuel modification: If you change the fuel type of your car and convert it to LPG or CNG, you may see a rise in your insurance premium. This is because a CNG vehicle requires more maintenance and that may warrant more insurance claims. When you buy car insurance online, you will be asked for your fuel type and you will notice a difference in the fuel types there too.


These are some ways in which the car insurance rates are affected when you modify your vehicle. The reasons behind the rate changes are logical and you must, therefore, inform your insurance provider as soon as you make a modification.

In a nutshell

You should never hold back any information from your insurer as that can lead to many problems at the time of a car insurance claim. If you carry out some modification in any part of the car, tell your insurer and get the insurance cover reviewed. Then pay the new premium amount and stay covered. If you fail to do so and continue with an existing cover, you won’t get a claim when there is a requirement. So be wise and honest and enjoy all the benefits that motor insurance has on offer.



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