APN News

Jamnagar Court frames charges against IPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatt in custodial death case

In Gujarat a local court in Jamnagar today, framed charges against Gujarat Sanjiv BhattIPS Officer Sanjiv Bhatt in a custodial death case. The court has framed charges against seven persons including Bhatt for murder.

The case concerns the death of one Prabhudas Vaishnani who allegedly succumbed to the injuries inflicted on him while in custody. The police had allegedly thrashed him while he was in custody at the police station on the night of October 30, 1990. Bhatt was assistant Suprintendent of Police (ASP), Jamnagar when the incident occurred.

Bhatt is currently under suspension. He was suspended after he took on Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of asking the police to go slow on Hindus during the 2002 riots in which 1200 people were killed.

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