KINGSTON, MA: Parents of children who are on the autism spectrum will find great advice and strong support with the release of Kingston author Donna Laitinen’s book, “The Highest Frequencies of Love.”
Ms. Laitinen is the founder of Evoke Change Center , which advocates for autism awareness and seeks to awaken compassion in the world through behavior change, professional speaking, and corporate wellness training. She says, “While the potential and influence of children on the Autism spectrum are often overlooked in terms of contributing to the greatness in our world, they shouldn’t be.”

She wrote the book intending is to be for parents with children on the autism spectrum who are interested in exploring all of the unconventional solutions to raising their children. She said that the problem with the so-called conventional ways is that the approach is focused on the child and not the parent. “Since the parents are the most influential people in their child’s life, more focus on the parents’ approach to autism needs to be explored, which was one of the inspirations that led me to write this book.”
Her book, “The Highest Frequencies of Love – Unconventional Solutions for Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum” is a must-read for parents looking for and who are open to trying something new with different approaches that empower families and with a new mindset. In the chapters of the book, parents will discover practices that they already have the power to reach. The book shows them how to get there. They will learn creative energy thinking skills to manage emotions positively, relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome and defuse conflict.
Parents of children on the Autism spectrum can become exhausted with traditional ways to cope and may be looking to try a new approach. That’s what author, speaker and behavior change specialist Donna Laitinen has done –created an approach to focus on the parent rather than the child,tapping into their internal powers and programming their mind to recognize that they are their own superhero and their children’s.
She says, “My purpose is to awaken compassion in our world, which I do through my work as an author, behavioral change specialist and speaker. I seek to bridge the disconnect in society by cultivating conscious awareness through coaching modern mindfulness and creative energy thinking. I’ve worked with cancer survivors, neurodivergent and developmentally challenged individuals. I hope that the parents of children on the autism spectrum will find this helpful and inspirational.”
She recently did a presentation at an Autism Conference at the Umphanda Foundation in South Africa, and plans to continue speaking on the subject both nationally and internationally.