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Kolkata goes Heart-Smart

New Delhi : Jivo Wellness, the first EOP Packaging plant for Canola Oil in India and the Precision Group, Kolkata has launched the most favourite healthy oil

Jivo Canola Oil

of USA, Canada, Japan and Australia in Kolkata now after launching the same in Delhi recently under the brand name of JIVO Canola Oil. Precision Group has entered into a strategic partnership with Jivo Wellness to represent JIVO in Eastern India.

Jivo Canola Cooking Oil is Mother Nature’s gift to mankind, and believed to be the healthiest cooking medium known to mankind. Unlike other cooking oils Jivo Canola Cooking Oil provides the highest unsaturated (good) fats and the lowest saturated (bad) fats amongst all cooking oils in the world.

According to estimates 60% of the world’s heart patients belong to India. A good number of 7 crore Indians suffer from Heart Diseases. And the major culprit that contributes to clogging arteries, is those Cooking Oils which contain Trans Fats or high saturated Bad Fats. It has been seen that we Indians are more prone to enter the dreaded heart attack zone just at the age of 35 while the rest of the world averages 55 years. To ensure good heart health, a healthy diet & more specifically healthy cooking oil is more imperative.

Canola Oil is pressed from the canola seeds grown in the cold regions of Canada. It is quite popular in advanced countries not just because of its nutrition content but also because of its unique culinary and taste benefits.

Jivo Canola oil has the best 1:2 ratio, Omega-3 to Omega-6 as compared to all available cooking oils. The world’s most respected U.S. Food & Drugs Administration (FDA) has approved a qualified health claim on its potential to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, owing to its unsaturated fat content in Canola Oil. USFDA certifies “…Just 1 ½ tablespoons of Canola oil per day can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease…”

Jivo Canola Oil has Zero Trans-fats & Zero Cholesterol. Trans-fats have been identified as one of the biggest risks leading to coronary heart diseases. As opposed to some other common cooking oils, Jivo Canola doesn’t develop any trans-fats on frying or any other Indian style cooking. Furthermore, consumption of Jivo Canola Oil helps reduce Bad Cholesterol in the body.

Jivo Wellness has conceptualized a unique mission to ‘Simply create a healthy India’.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh Sahni, CEO of Precision Group Kolkata said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure & Canola Oil is the answer to such a saying,” added, “Canola Oil is believed to reduce the risk of High Blood Pressure, Bad Cholesterol, Coronary Heart Problems, Cancer, Memory loss, Diabetes.”

Jivo Canola oil is available in the convenient packs of 1, 2 & 5 litres at all the major retail & general stores. Bulk packs of 15 ltrs is available for Industry and bulk users like HORECA (Hotels, Caterers, Restaurants).

According to Mr RPS Kohli, Director and promoter of Jivo Wellness “Heart is in the stomach” and is a popular expression which can be notoriously true for those of us with large appetites, refusing to make the necessary lifestyle changes. The relation between heart and stomach is bit deeper though. To ensure good heart health, a healthy diet and more specifically healthy cooking oil is more imperative. We look forward to Precision Group converting Kolkata into a heart smart city in a short time”.

The event was a joint effort of Precision Group, AAFC Canada and Jivo Wellness. After US, Canada, Japan and Australia, its India’s turn now” said Mr. Sahni on this occasion.

Mrs Gobind Kaur & Mrs Pritam Kaur (sisters of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh), Mr. Dhruv Bhalla (Trade Commissioner, Canada) Mr. Gurbux Singh (Hockey Olympian), and other eminent people were present to grace this auspicious occasion.

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