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Meet Ashu Sehrawat ,Founder of Trading Fever

What is better than making money. Be it millions? Billions? Trillions? After a certain point of time, it does not matter how many zeroes you add, for it is debatable whether they add up to your happiness in any way. Ashu understood this problem early in life. Instead of running after the money, making  millions, he decided to chase ordinary people and turn them into millionaires instead.

This enterprising youngster from a small locality of New Delhi founded thetradingfever.com in 2017 managed a Nifty index fund of more than 1 million dollar in the stock market. Ashu Sehrawat has a very efficient approach as far as money is concerned. “Make your money work for you and not the any other way round,” he says. In India, only four per cent of savings is invested in fair play related instruments while in developed countries like the US this percentage is 40. “We are here to reduce this gap. 

Since the middle class has ingress to a lot of liquid cash now, it is estimated to grow 10 times bigger in the next 10 years,” he says Trading Fever provides a trading platform through which they claim everyone can achieve the ultimate success of one’s life — financial freedom. “Our concept addresses all factors critical to trading success like risk management and money management,” adds Ashu. His company is working on financial terms via webinars, emails, blogs and one-on-one conversations over the phone. He further says,

Our system helps people use their sum to make more money and this is the only way by which the middle class can think of achieving financial security. There is a lack of transparency in the finance department and we are committed to changing the scenario. For that we have put up real trading contract on our website.”

Turning Gamblers into Professional Traders 

In the year 2011 teenagers were creating facebook account to connect with their friend but Ashu Sehrawat created to connect influential people like Mark zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey  virtually to develop new ideas and experiment ability. After spending some time on internet he got an idea to learn Social Media Marketing himself, he created his first facebook page in 2011 and started his new practical experiments which he learned from free sources available on internet. His page was started growing slowly and after few months his page was crossed 5 million likes and generated millions of traffic. This was the turning point for Ashu, his page was become very popular on facebook and he was approached by many big corporate houses for digital marketing services. 

In the year 2013 Mr. Ashu Sehrawat established his digital marketing company and started giving his self learned digital marketing services to both national and international clients. Within very short span of time it was become very reputed company in the industry. While running digital marketing business he got a stock trading project in which he his task to generate lead for a particular stock, it was very challenging to him about it was very new to him. Due to his self learning nature and dedication nature he not only completed his task but also learnt do and don’ts of it and become part time investor in stock. In the year 2015, he earned huge profits on his part time investments in stock. After few months, his interest in stock trading increased and he become full stock trading and handed over his digital marketing company to his friends. Within very short time he made his 1 million portfolio and decided to make his career in stock/Forex trading. 

Now  Ashu is become an expert in Forex and Stocks Technical Analysis and currently helping thousand national and international clients globally in stock trading. He is now very famous among youth who want to make their career in stock trading. Ashu is also invited by many stock trading and management events as motivational and guest speaker. He regularly shares his tips and analysis on both electronic and print media and help future investor.

As the Mahatma once said, “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” Things started to fall apart when some of his top-level employees could not control their greed. They got involved in dealings and cheating clients. “My struggles of the last five years to help every individual with the best product in the finance market had come to naught, and by the time I came to know of the extent of the damage, it was too late.

 Advisory firms have a very bad image in India. “There are thousands of companies and they have convinced people to part with their hard earned money. Now our top executives had brought us in the same category. I could have continued running the company and would have made more money, but for me, rules and regulations has always ruled my decisions. My values did not allow me to continue with that department,” says Ashu. He finally shuts down the firm and was back to where he had started – with nothing. “I was shattered, depressed, directionless and in complete darkness. I knew I had to stand up again and do something for the traders who were losing their hard earned money.” According to Ashu, 95 per cent traders are losing money and none of the companies are concerned.

While giving allowance to the people to get associated with us, we ensured that none of them were from the finance industry so that they should not come with pre-conceived notions. We give permission only passionate and determined people who enjoy helping others join us; people whose values of loyalty and integrity aligned with that of the company. We brought in those who trusts in doing more with less; and those who embrace and drive change.

According to Ashu, a good understanding of money mechanism and financial immaturity of the middle class are his real teachers as those very things made his early journey tough. “Since I failed to run a few other companies earlier taught me that success is achieve after doing the same thing repeatedly. It also make me learned me not to run away from hard questions; success lies there.”

Ashu says that the lessons he learnt from his mistakes were valuable lessons which one can never learn in the best management schools. “I had before hired people who only worked for money. I went through some big blows of my life being with them. I started again and am on my way to follow my passion and finally have a strong team whose thought process will take us to the next level.” His company soon strategize to roll out a ‘Financial Freedom Day’ to create financial literacy in the country. “Delivering the finest trading bussiness is going to be our priority. We will concentarate more on post sales communication, and will ensure a touch-base with every client on a periodic gap.”

Here are Ashu’s seven simple steps to harness the power of zeroes:

• Learn to save. 

• Put up your long-term investments in an index fund. 

• Avoid compulsive buying. 

• Limit what you borrow. 

• Reinvest your profits using the power of compounding. He then says, “No one has can become a millionaire or a billionaire by investing in gold, fixed deposits, PPF or any debt product.” 

• Invest in yourself. 

• Practice living a simple life.

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