Lucknow: 43 year old Mr. Manish Singhania was successfully revived to life at Max Super Specialty Hospital Saket, post severe brain attack that left him partially paralyzed. Minimally invasive brain surgery was performed that lasted for around one hour to remove a severe clot that had blocked the main artery carrying blood from heart to brain.
Patient was admitted to the emergency in a very critically ill condition, with severe weakness in the left side of his body with blurry speech, after suffering from a stroke attack while going to office. Detailed investigations including brain MRI revealed a severe clot in the left side of his brain that had damaged the blood vessels causing the condition. The location of the clot was causing a severe blockage in one of the main blood vessels from the heart to the brain. Considering the life threatening condition, the patient was advised for an immediate surgery.
Team of doctors led by Dr Chandril Chugh, (American trained stroke & aneurysm specialist) Senior Consultant & Head Interventional Neurology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket decided to perform complex life saving brain clot removal surgery to open up the severe artery blockage.
“Minimally invasive brain procedures are used to remove brain /clots by opening of blood vessel without the need of open brain surgery. This approach of removing clot is highly advantageous to the patients who are in a very critical stage and any mishappening can happen from an open surgery. Not only this, minimally invasive brain surgeries are safer, with minimal blood loss, shorter hospital and ICU stay, no post-operative scars and minimal chances of infection. said Dr Chandril Chugh, Senior Consultant & Head Interventional Neurology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket.
Minimally invasive brain procedures have revolutionized the treatment of brain diseases. These procedures are not only lifesaving but are also much safer and less complicated than open brain procedures. Minimally Invasive brain procedures can help treat a lot of brain and spine diseases like brain hemorrhage, aneurysms, brain clot, paralytic attack, blockage in blood vessels.
Through this minimally Invasive Brain Surgery, the clot was successfully removed from the brain. This novel technique eliminates the need to fully open the skull to remove brain tumors/clots which means fewer risks for neurological injury because of less exposure of the brain.
“Although clots or blockage on either sides of the brain can be potentially lethal, but timely detection and early interventions, he condition can be reversed and the patients can return back to their normal lives in no time. In the case of Mr.Singhania there was a severe blockage in the artery which carries blood from heart to the brain. Though it was a challenging surgery, it was conducted successfully.” Added Dr. Chugh
The procedure lasted for about one hour, and the patient recovered very well after his procedure and has gotten back to his work since then. Having a history of smoking, he has been advised to quit smoking with immediate effect.
Also, commenting on the occasion of World Anti- Tobacco Day, Dr Chugh, gives message, “Smoking is a major risk factor for brain stroke and hemorrhage. Brain stroke is one of the most common causes of death and disability in our country. Smoking not only increases the risk of a paralytic attack it can also affect other organs like heart and lungs.