APN News

Moonstar Herbals comes up with Activated Charcoal Face Scrub

New Delhi: Izuk Impex, the company behind the brand Moonstar, has come with activated charcoal face scrub, a deep facial cleansing treatment to revitalize your skin, unblock pores, and remove dead epithelial cells, blackheads and whiteheads from the skin. 100% natural activated charcoal is used for deep cleansing, exfoliation and as a pore minimizer. A specially formulated product that exfoliates moisturizes and regenerates the skin through the use of biodegradable gentle scrubbing jojoba beads. The products are available in the market both online and stores across the country.

For the convenience of the consumer the company has doled out the product in two different packing — 100 ml and 500 ml. Spokesperson of the company Mr. Athar Aftab said that smaller packs are more suitable for the individual users and larger packs for the salons. However, consumers can buy any pack according to their needs. Izuk Impex has been a manufacturer and exporter of herbal henna products since 1917. The USP of the products is that it can be easily applied and instantly gives results.

The scrub has to be applied and massaged gently for 5-10 minutes avoiding the areas around the eyes and then rinse well with lukewarm water for better results.

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