Mumbai : India was honoured at the Cannes Film Festival for the first time, and Bollywood Park was promoted alongside Indian films. Honourable Cultural Minister Shri Amit Deshmukh used the platform to invite foreign artists and aspiring Bollywood tourists to Bollywood Park, a collaboration between Film City, D’fine Art Pvt Ltd, and MOS Utility Pvt Ltd. In addition to the Minister, Cultural Secretary Saurav Vijay ji, Film City’s Managing Director Vivek Bhimanwar, Marathi Superstar Adinath Kothare, and others were present.
The Cannes Film Festival is a massive platform for the world of cinema; people from all over the world come here, from Hollywood stars to Bollywood stars, and artists from all over the world. Bollywood Park was promoted alongside Indian films. The fact that Bollywood Park Filmcity Mumbai has such a large platform to promote it is significant.
Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagri (Filmcity), D’fine Art Pvt Ltd, and MOS Utility Pvt Ltd collaborated to build Bollywood Park for the general public. Bollywood Park features Live Shooting, Music Studio, Wall of Fame, Chroma Technique Studio, Wax Museum, Big Raj Mahal Sets, Bollywood Cafe, Selfie Point, Foley Studio, Dubbing Studio, Super Hit Film Properties, and other attractions. This is where India’s first 360-degree cinema is located.
Mr. Narendra Rahurikar, Managing Director, D’fine Art, “Everyone should take advantage of this opportunity. The Park is one-of-a-kind, and it provides visitors with the opportunity to showcase their talent, whether it’s acting, singing, or dancing. You can also make your own short film here, complete with costumes, make-up, and editing. Bollywood theme park has everything Mumbai deserved to be the capital of Bollywood.”
The Bollywood theme park has quickly become a popular tourist destination for both Mumbai residents and visitors from other cities.