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New prostate enlargement (BPH), prostatitis and kidney stone treatment with Dr Allen’s Device is safe

Clinical trials confirm that Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device can prevent sexual dysfunction and depression linked to medications that are typically used for treating benign prostate enlargement and chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Furthermore, a new study has proven the kidney stone dissolving effect of this therapy that works without renal colic and complications.

The at-home prostatitis and BPH treatment with Dr Allen’s Device reduces the need for long-term courses of medications for BPH and CP/CPPS helping to prevent retrograde ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, depression, and other nasty health disorders. Moreover, Dr Allen’s Device helps men and women with kidney stones to avoid additional health problems after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) or kidney surgery.

By smartly utilising body heat in its novel and patented design, Dr Allen’s Device non-invasively reduces prostate enlargement and inflammation, and dissolves kidney stones relieving troubling symptoms. The explanation of how this treatment works is published in the International Journal of Quality Innovation, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40887-020-00035-0, titled “Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively”.

Mainstream treatments for BPH, CP/CPPS and kidney stones carry risk

The treatments typically offered to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), chronic prostatitis and kidney stone disease (KSD) do not really treat the affected prostate or kidneys: these treatments are either prescribed medications for easing urinary symptoms or surgical procedures, which are highly invasive.

The risks and disadvantages of medications for BPH are highlighted in a scientific study titled “Efficacy and side effects of drugs commonly used to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH”. All medications for BPH and CP/CPPS cause serious health problems in men. Thus, meds belonging to the α1-blockers group are associated with adverse reactions, postural hypotension, dizziness, asthenia, abnormal ejaculation, and intraoperative floppy iris syndrome. Another group of drugs for BPH can cause more serious effects: 5α-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) decrease libido and cause gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, sexual side effects, diabetes and depression.

All prostate surgeries have a negative impact on men’s health, which makes it difficult to choose the best option among them. Most side effects after a prostate surgery are associated with sexual dysfunction, which in turn, causes mental health issues and depression in almost 25% of patients.

Patients who had undergone ESWL for kidney stones had a significantly increased risk of hypertension and even diabetes. It should be also mentioned that “after a first stone, the risk of recurrence is 40% after 5 years, and 75% after 20 years”. Thus, the risk of development complication in kidney stone patients increases with age.

Dr Allen’s Device is side effects free

Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device is a superb and easy-to-use at home treatment. And it’s USPTO-patented. Moreover, Dr Allen’s Device has been registered with the British Medical Healthcare Agency (MHRA) since 2010, so its safety is confirmed, regulated, and has been well tested over the years.

The effectiveness and safety of Dr Allen’s Devices have been confirmed by its successful 12 years on the market and solid medical data. Many scientific articles published in leading medical journals are listed on the dedicated page on the FineTreatment.com website.

Fine Treatment brings Dr Allen’s Devices to every customer

Fine Treatment https://finetreatment.com/ is committed to improving health and wellbeing of people worldwide, helping people with chronic pain and different health conditions. 4 clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of Dr Allen’s Devices in dissolving kidney stones, relieving chronic low back pain, easing chronic prostatitis and BPH with disturbing lower urinary tract symptoms.

Founded by Dr Simon Allen and Ariana Adjani, Fine Treatment is an Oxford and London based innovative healthcare company that conducts pioneering medical research and provides Dr Allen’s Devices for effective at-home treatment. Fine Treatment is a UK Department for International Trade (DIT) registered supplier to international buyers and makes its wearable therapeutic Dr Allen’s Devices available around the world, with free international delivery on offer.

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