Chennai: Nippon Paint (India) Private Limited (Decorative Division) Asia’s leading paint manufacturer, recently received the JFW Special Award 2018 for its CSR initiative, the nshakti program. The event which was held at Sir Mutha Venkata Subbarao Hall, Chennai saw the participation of leading brands and Nippon Paint received accolades for its novel CSR initiative.
Ms. N. Rajeshwari, DGM (HR) Nippon Paint India, received the award from celebrated Director Radha Mohan and Producer Dhananjayan Govind, in appreciation of Nippon Paint’s efforts in transforming the lives of rural women.
On receiving the iconic award, Mr. S Mahesh Anand, President – Decorative Paint, Nippon Paint India commented, “Nippon Paint is glad to receive the JFW Special Award for its CSR initiative. When we embarked on the nshakti initiative we were not sure how well it would be received. But having successfully trained over a hundred rural women now, we can say with utmost pride that the program has made remarkable difference in transforming the lives of unskilled labourers. The award if further testimony to our social contribution that far surpasses our brand awareness, uplifting people’s lives”.