Sochi – The “Non-Electric Applications of Nuclear and Radiation Technologies” roundtable was organized by Rusatom Healthcare (a ROSATOM division that accumulates healthcare expertise) and Rusatom Overseas (an integrator company that promotes ROSATOM’s range of non-energy solutions) on 21 November under the auspices of the ATOMEXPO 2022 International Forum in Sochi.
Speakers included Phan Việt Cương, Deputy Director, Vinagamma R&D Center for Radiation Technology; Andrey Sitnikov, Technical Leader for Nuclear Infrastructure and Competence Development, IAEA Research Reactor Section; Pyotr Shegay, Deputy General Director for Science, National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Igor Obrubov, General Director of JSC Rusatom Healthcare; Dmitry Vysotsky, Vice President of Rusatom Overseas for Non-Energy Nuclear Projects; and Dmitry Fomin, Deputy General Director of Medscan for the development of nuclear medicine. The roundtable was moderate by Roberto La Forgia, Director of Europium Pharma s.r.l.
The participants discussed a variety of applications of nuclear and radiation technologies for life extension and improving the quality of life. Solutions in this sector are used in areas such as healthcare, agriculture and industry. The discussion focused on global trends and Russian answers to global challenges facing humanity, predominantly in the field of nuclear medicine. The speakers also analyzed opportunities presented by peaceful uses of nuclear technology for achieving relevant ESG goals.
Igor Obrubov, General Director of JSC Rusatom Healthcare, noted: “Non-energy nuclear technologies, which ROSATOM is developing, help achieve two major UN sustainable development goals by extending the human lifespan across the globe and contributing to food security. In healthcare, ROSATOM’s multipronged approach ensures that a full range of services can be provided, from isotope generation and preparation of radiopharmaceuticals to treatment at our clinics using nuclear medicine procedures.”
Dmitry Vysotsky, Vice President of Rusatom Overseas for Non-Energy Nuclear Projects, said: “ROSATOM is offering a wide range of non-energy nuclear solutions. A striking example of such a project is the Centre for Nuclear Research and Technology in Bolivia, which is being built by Rosatom in El Alto, 4000 m above sea level.”
Phan Viet Cuong, Deputy Director of the Vinagamma R&D Center for Radiation Technology, described the current status and development plans of applied nuclear technology in Vietnam, configuration and applications of the Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology project that is slated to be realized jointly with ROSATOM. Pyotr Shegay, Deputy General Director for Science, National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, highlighted key nuclear medicine projects that are being jointly implemented with ROSATOM and reported on the development of advanced radiopharmaceuticals.