“Of course, the decline of trading volumes by as much as 85-90% is concerning, and the fear of not attracting investments in the Web3 innovative startups will impact the overall picture. But, as I have said earlier, the taxation of income and assets is entirely the purview of the government, and they have the exclusive right to impose and collect such dues.
What I feel is of utmost importance here is to remember that any monumental shift caused by Web3 will be the world shifting from a “value capture” economy to a “value creation” economy. This will require a new set of rules, which democratizes access to resources for creators and makes value creation as rewarding as capturing value. This means a direct relationship between the human capital and the consumers of its creation.
It is vital to ensure that any taxation regime does not hamper the development of India’s talent in Web3 and the supercharged innovative environment India has been experiencing recently.
The efforts to introduce the new CBDC show that the RBI and taxation regime is committed to innovation. We look forward to working with them to produce dApp, DeFi, and ReFi solutions that help.”