The Ridgeland Tourism Commission is pleased to announce the selection of Jana Dear as its new director of sales and event partnerships, effective Sept. 13, 2021.

Dear brings with her a wealth of knowledge in the realm of business, marketing and tourism, having served since 2015 as the executive director for Canton Tourism. In this role, she fostered key relationships with tourism industry partners, executed city marketing strategies and assisted with numerous Canton festival traditions, such as the annual Canton Christmas Festival and the Mississippi Championship Hot Air Balloon Festival. Dear directly oversaw all tourism initiatives for Canton.
She holds an Associate’s Degree in Business and Marketing Management from Hinds Community College.Before her time as executive director, Dear served as the Canton Welcome Center manager and assistant director.
“The Commission’s board of directors is excited about its selection and anticipates continued success in the facilitation of Visit Ridgeland sales activities under Dear’s leadership,” said Ridgeland Tourism Commission President and CEO Chris Chapman.
Dear’s background and years of service in tourism will be instrumental in guiding and fulfilling the sales and event partnership program of work for the Ridgeland Tourism Commission.