APN News

Russia: Yoga enthusiasts participate in yoga classes in Tagansky Park in Moscow

Hundreds of yoga enthusiasts participated in yoga classes held in the Tagansky Park in Moscow to celebrate the 5th International Day of Yoga.

Speaking on the occasion, Indian Ambassador D B Venkatesh Varma on Sunday noted that despite the fact that Yoga Day is celebrated only once a year, yoga itself is practiced every day, since it is a way of life.

He read out a letter from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who mentioned the unifying function of yoga and its important role in people’s lives. Vice-President of the Russian Yoga Federation Svetlana Artisyevich said in a a statement that  the number of people who are interested in yoga is increasing every year.

A team of yoga students introduced the guests to the rules of the Common Yoga Protocol on the main stage of the Tagansky Park.

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