The benchmark BSE Sensex on Thursday jumped by 142 points to close at 27,705.35 on sustained buying by investors after the Cabinet approved amendments to the GST bill, while a mild uptick in roll over of F&O positions also helped.
Sentiments were boosted after Cabinet yesterday approved amendments to the GST bill raising hopes of passage by Parliament, equity brokers said.
Besides encouraging Q1 earnings by some blue-chip firms, positive global cues following key US Fed statement on optimism over economy too influenced sentiments.
The index recorded its second straight rise supported by short-covering by speculators in view of the last day of the futures and options July contract. Frenzied buying by funds lifted the Sensex to intra-day high of 27,854.46. It finally settled 141.92 points or 0.51 per cent higher at 27,705.35.