Mumbai : A brave woman pilot who helped extract Indian students from war-stricken Ukraine, a reigning Mrs. World, a childhood amputee who rose to occupy a senior managerial position, along with several other notable speakers will narrate their experiences at TEDxGIM at the Goa Institute of Management campus in Sanquelim on February 5 2023.
The theme for this year’s TEDxGIM talk at the B-school is ‘Dawn of Disruption’. According to the organisers of the event, while the word ‘disruption’ carries a negative connotation, when applied to the domains of technology, entertainment, science and design, disruption has positive overtones.
The lineup for this year’s event consists of personalities who have strayed from the path of convention and achieved great heights despite an array of hardships. The participants include the winner of the Mrs. World 2022 title, Sargam Koushal, who hails from a small village in Jammu and Kashmir, the courageous Captain Shivani Kalra, who was involved in ‘Operation Ganga’ which brought back Indian students stranded in Ukraine the beginning of the war and Sarrah Kapasi, co-founder of D-Alive Health, India’s first company to provide holistic wellness solutions specially designed only for people with diabetes.
Other speakers include Kshitiz Aneja, who suffered a massive setback in his childhood when he was amputated at the age of 9, but has now flourished in his career and holds a managerial position and Priyal Agrawal, a young social entrepreneur and certified sexuality educator, who will instruct GIM students on the value of being conscious of one’s physical body.
Pupil of Pandit Birju Maharaj’s son Pandit Shri Jai Krishnan Maharaj Ji, Sudip Chakraborty will be demonstrating the theme of disruption through a visually mesmerising kathak performance. Adding a little magic of music to the day, Santoor player Ninad Daithankar, who comes from a family of legendary artists, will also display his expertise. The inclusion of two creative artists in the line-up also suggests that TEDx is not always about motivational conversations, sometimes it is also about the expression of art and talent through stunning performances by prodigies from various fields.
Sticking to their vision of creating agile business leaders ready to face the world, the GIM hosts the TEDx event annually to inspire and enlighten the next generation of entrepreneurs and moguls at the B-school.
Dr. Ajit Parulekar, Director of GIM, says “One of the best ways to learn is by example, which is why events like TEDX are of great importance in educational institutions. Every year, through TEDXGIM, we introduce our students to a diverse variety of experienced individuals who have inspiring stories to tell about their journeys. This year’s theme ‘Dawn of Disruption’ stands for breaking barriers and taking the road less traveled which many pathbreaking entrepreneurs and business leaders have chosen to adopt. We hope this aids the next generation of business leaders to amp up their drive and motivation towards achieving their career goals. ”
TEDxGIM is a TEDx event that the Goa Institute of Management independently organises to bring together passionate people from all walks of life to discover new concepts that inspire discussions about how learning never stops.