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Top Tech Upgrades for Your Rental Property

If you own a rental property, you’ve probably wondered what you can do to keep it booked all year round. And if your property is used as a vacation rental, keeping your home visually appealing, in addition to being equipped with the latest technology is a must.

Upgrade Thermostat

Nothing leaves a bad taste in a tenant’s mouth more than being uncomfortable. If your property’s HVAC is on the older side, upgrading your thermostat is the first step. Smart thermostats are programmable, which allows renters to adjust the temperature remotely, lower overall energy consumption and possibly lower their monthly power bill as well. Even though smart thermostats have been around for years, not everyone knows about them. As such, you can also use it as a pitch when it comes time to find a new tenant. Since saving money is on everyone’s must-have list, pointing out how your property can slash utility bills is a huge plus.

Smart Locks

The last you need is for a renter to get locked out in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, even the most responsible of people can forget their keys. However, when you install smart locks, renters can regain access by entering a pin into the keypad. This eliminates the need for emergency locksmith calls and the need to replace locks once tenants move out. It also gives anyone renting from you that extra peace of mind knowing that unauthorized access is virtually impossible.

Home Lift

If you want to make your property accessible for everyone, you may want to consider installing a home lift. Depending on what you’re looking for, big home lift brands offer a variety of styles you can choose from, all of which can make your home more handicapped-friendly and add a feeling of luxury as well.

Video Monitoring

You probably already have a home security checklist for yourself when you take a vacation, to protect your own residence. And as a property owner, it’s your responsibility to make your tenants feel as safe as possible. In addition to upgrading the locks on all doors and windows, you also need to invest in video surveillance. Google Nest and Ring are both affordable options that are easy to install. Tenants can feel at ease by connecting their cell to the system and can then see when someone comes to the door as well as the exterior of the property.

Remote Lighting Options

No one wants to come home to pitch-black apartment. However, most people also don’t want to waste electricity and leave the lights on all day either. Upgrading to smart lighting doesn’t require rewiring and it’s fairly inexpensive as well. Sometimes, it’s as simple as swapping out traditional light bulbs for smart ones, which then connect directly to a cell phone. This allows occupants to turn the lights on prior to arriving home.

Green Technology

When it comes to updating your space to help to lower your carbon footprint, going green is your best course of action. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. In addition to swapping out your light bulbs and installing a smart thermostat, you should also upgrade the appliances. Older appliances cost more to operate and usually use more than double the amount of electric when compared to newer models. When it comes to the washer, not upgrading to an eco-friendlier model not only uses more electricity, but more water as well. The same holds true for dishwashers. Dishwashers of today only use a fraction of the water older models do and complete the wash-dry cycle in half the time.

You should also think about replacing the windows and HVAC as well. Even though it sounds like a huge undertaking, older windows allow both heat and air conditioning to escape, which then causes the HVAC to run more than it really should. This ultimately shortens the lifespan of the unit and usually results in more service calls due to excessive wear and tear. Aside from the windows, most household appliances can be programmed to run more efficiently. In fact, some are so high-tech that they can be turned on or off from a smartphone.

Window Coverings

Even though they’re not considered a tech product, automatic window coverings are still nice to have. These motorized shades can be opened or closed with the push of a button. They’re a nice touch, especially if your property was recently built. Most people looking for a new place want these tiny luxuries and are willing to pay for them. They can in a wide variety of textiles and sizes, so finding ones that meet your needs shouldn’t be too difficult.

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