APN News

Toy Car Blast case mastermind arrested in Guwahati

by Sudip Sharma Chowdhury

The mystery in the toy car blast at Manipuri Basti is solved today by Guwahati City police team.Paltan bazaar police arrested Binod Boro 30 of Naramari village of Bagdoba under Baska Dist of Btad.Boro claimed he made this toy bomb with the help of internet and he claimed he has severel such bomb supply to many others too.

It is to be mentioned that in Guwahati Nov 13 evening in which a 10-year-old girl was seriously injured while her mother also sustained injuries has deepened further. Police and experts are clueless about the toy bomb. 10-year-old Th Debanishi minor girl, a student of Nichol’s High School in Guwahati, was playing with the car that was recovered at the staircase of their house by the minor’s uncle.The minor girl’s uncle found the car at the staircase of their house and when his neice asked for it, he handed it over to her. She was playing with the car when it exploded.

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