APN News

Verify or correct your voter ID details from home


By Anup Biswas

Haflong: The Election Commission has launched a new mega Electors Verification Programme (EVP), which expects that the voters to check to verify their personal details such as their name date of birth, father’s name, address etc.

The district administration of Dima Hasao lead by Asst Commissioner, Ibon Teron along with his team of officials have been extensively sensitizing people to either visit NVSP, use voters helpline app or visit nearby facilitation centre under the SVEEP programme.

In case of any error or corrections required, necessary documents to correct it is initiated. The collected data from electors would be verified by the BLOs using mobile application inorder to avoid data entry by the data entry operators thus to minimize the errors and avoid huge amount of paper works saving cost and time.

The mobile application when used would directly update the verified information on the database connecting the BLO directly to the electoral roll (ER) data base and thus help purification correctly with clear responsibility of the BLOs.

It is to be noted that the voter helpline application maybe downloaded from google play-store where the necessary corrections can be done sitting at the convenience from home. The voters are also advised to contact their respective BLO (booth level officers) or CSC (common service centre) at their vicinity.

The EVP will remain in operation up to October 15.

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