Albert Einstein once mentioned, “The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman...
Read moreAlbert Einstein once mentioned, “The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman...
Read moreWomen have suffered long in the past but luckily we are living in an age where women are being given...
Read moreNew Delhi: Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog stated that India has huge potential to create 1 Trillion economic value...
Read moreAnup Pai, CEO The post-pandemic world is accelerating toward a new economic model. One, where “Labour” is about connectivity, responsiveness,...
Read moreNoida: With an aim to determine the mood of the people after a topsy-turvy year, ABP News, along with research...
Read moreKolkata: Commenting on India-US relations under US President Joe Biden, British economist and politician, Lord Meghnad Desai, said, “I don’t...
Read moreWashington, DC: Soon, school districts across the country can once again apply for federal E-rate funding to support and improve...
Read moreSocial Media platform Tiktok has continued its meteoric rise since an important merger in 2018 that took the platform globally,...
Read moreThe last two decades have seen massive growth in the sports industry all across the globe, but most especially in...
Read moreThis year’s tech honorees on the business journal’s fast 50 list tend to be the companies working in red hot...
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