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WatchGuard Technologies Offers Insight Into Need for Information Security Visibility

New Delhi  :  According to recent research from Frost & Sullivan, information security professionals don’t have nearly enough visibility into the information they are tasked with securing. This visibility gap can lead to data loss and being susceptible to attack.

In a recent on-demand webinar with WatchGuard Technologies, Frost & Sullivan Principal Consultant Jarad Carleton shared the results of a survey the firm had conducted. The full results of the survey are outlined in a webinar that WatchGuard has recorded and posted to its blog. The following is an excerpt from the blog post:

“Defense in depth is important, but multiple systems with multiple dashboards increase the burden on overtaxed InfoSec professionals. By distributing where information lives and not having a way to connect the systems or servers that house a businesses’ lifeline, the risk of a hack or exposure through vulnerability can go unmitigated. Research shows that only 15 percent of IT spend is funneled toward detecting an intrusion or compromise.”

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