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What Are The Benefits of PDFs For Online Businesses?

PDF or Portable Document Format, which was developed in the 90s by Adobe has grown to become the most preferred and widely used document format. PDFs are used all over the world in different industries. PDFs are apparent in offices and businesses where it is used for various purposes such as customer records, invoicing, memos, and other official business work.

Businesses that are either online or have a paperless approach prefer to use PDF over other document formats because of its various benefits. Many document formats are available, but none of them have the features or benefits that PDF provides. Another benefit of using PDF is that due to its growing popularity, a lot of tools have been developed which are accessible for free on the internet including PDF Editor and Converters. These tools make it easier for anyone to work with PDFs. With all of that said, let’s have a look at some of the benefits and perks of using PDFs in online businesses:

Maintains Format

The first benefit of using PDFs over word documents or other document formats is that PDF maintains its format no matter which device or operating system you open it on. Word documents and other documents change the document format depending on the device or operating system being used. Sometimes, a minor change in the document format can disrupt everything, making the document unreadable. A poorly formatted, unreadable document damages a business’s reputation; if it is an online business, it can have a very poor impact on customers.

PDF makes sure that a business does not have to worry about format disruption. Once you create a file in PDF format, the format stays the same regardless of the device or OS used, which helps online businesses avoid any inconveniences.

Worldwide Acceptance

Online businesses have multiple clients and customers from all over the world due to this, they have to adopt those standards that are accepted worldwide. Luckily, PDF is the file format that is widely used and accepted all over the world. This is very useful for online businesses as they have a universal file format in the form of PDF that they can use to deal with clients and customers worldwide. People from around the world are familiar with PDF and know how to use this document format. Again, this helps online businesses avoid inconveniences with their online clients from all over the world.

Smaller File Size

Online businesses have to perform all their operations through the internet and sharing large file sizes with clients, partners, and customers can take a lot of time, especially if the internet connection is not fast enough. Luckily, PDF files have much smaller sizes compared to other document formats out there, thanks to the technology being used in PDF. This allows businesses to create large documents with a small size that used less storage space and can be sent easily over the internet. 

Documents in other formats can be converted also to PDF. This conversion option is useful as PDFs have smaller sizes compared to Word or Excel documents, allowing businesses to easily convert and share documents. Most messenger apps such as GBWhatsApp, FaceBook Messenger, Telegram, and WhatsApp Plus have a limited file transfer allowance which makes PDF a reliable option to send files.

Compatible With All Operating Systems

Online businesses have customers from around the world and customers use different operating systems. Not every customer will be using Windows or Mac, some will be using Android and some will be using iOS. PDF is the file format that is compatible with multiple operating systems and maintains its file format regardless of device or operating system. People have a hard time dealing with Word documents, especially smartphone users because of the smaller screen size but PDF is compatible with all devices and operating systems making it easier for online businesses as they have to use a single file format.

Document Encryption

Online businesses get another advantage from using PDF in the form of security and encryption. PDFs can be secured by adding a password to protect the documents. This adds an additional layer of security to the documents which is very useful because, without a password, no one can access PDF files. With this feature, online businesses get peace of mind and they can share sensitive and private information with their customers and clients, which only they can access. It allows online businesses to share sensitive documents over the internet without worrying about the documents falling into the wrong hands. It also helps businesses to gain the trust of their clients.

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