APN News

  • Monday, June, 2024| Today's Market | Current Time: 01:02:02
  • Bangalore : UL, a leading global safety science organization, has developed a mobile application to assist brands, retailers, manufacturers and suppliers in achieving compliance with the new standards and changing regulations for consumer products.

    UL-Regulations-Calendar-App “Navigating the regulatory landscape of global markets can be complex and challenging. UL is deeply aware that regulatory compliance is one of the most important stages in a products’ route to market and as such we are developing the tools needed for smarter supply chain management,” said Dr. Natale Consonni, Vice President and General Manager for UL Consumer Products.

    “Almost daily, new and revised regulations are introduced at the international, federal and regional levels. The UL Regulations Alert mobile application pushes complex updates well ahead of their enforcement date, providing clients with sufficient time to act, to help get products to market in compliance, and on time,” Consonni added.

    Available on iTunes and Google Play, UL Regulations Alert provides uncomplicated access to the latest global news for:

    ·         Toys and Children’s Products

    ·         Juvenile Products

    ·         Textiles Apparel and Footwear

    ·         Chemicals

    ·         Jewelry and Watches

    ·         Dietary Supplements

    ·         Personal Care and Beauty

    ·         Food and Beverage

    ·         OTC and Pharmaceuticals

    ·         Cleaning Products

    ·         Hardlines

    Sortable by date of enforcement,  industry, region and country, global regulatory updates and industry news are pushed to a user’s mobile device as they are added to the database and includes search and filter performance.


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