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  • Diabetes is one condition where you must keep track of everything you put in your mouth. Moreover, there are many myths about what to eat and what not to eat if you have diabetes.

    Can people with diabetes eat fruits? Is pomegranate good for diabetes? What is the best time to have fruits if you have diabetes?

    The following article addresses your confusion and doubts and tells you about the fruits that are good for diabetes.

    A Quick Guide to Including Fruits In A Diabetes-Friendly Diet

    Fruits contain natural sugars. So, while they are healthy, you need to consider a few things if you have diabetes. Some of them are:

    • A low (55 or below) to moderate (56 to 69) glycemic index is acceptable for diabetes
    • The portion size of the fruits
    • Avoid fruit juices or processed fruits
    • Eat whole fruits
    • Balance these fruits with other components of your diet
    • Please don’t overdo it
    • Consult a dietician about the fruits that would be particularly good for you

    Power Fruits For Diabetic Patients

    Fruits are packed with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fibres. And, if taken correctly, they can help you keep your blood sugar level in check. Here are the four power fruits and instructions on how to include them in your diet if you have diabetes:

    1. Apples Do Keep the Doctors Away

    An infamous saying is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” There is a proven scientific reason behind that. Apple contains the compound polyphenol, which is known to fight diseases. The skin of this fruit is rich in flavonoids which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. It is also a great source of vitamin C and magnesium.

    Apple is especially beneficial for maintaining the health of your heart, gut, and skin. It neutralises the free radicals in your body that cause premature ageing and helps regulate your blood sugar levels. This fruit is also known to fight against cancer.

    The glycemic index of apples is 36. It’s best to have this fruit as a whole during or after breakfast in the morning.

    2. Oranges for A Healthy And Tangy Twist

    Who doesn’t love oranges? Savoury, juicy, and packed with nutrients, they are a healthy inclusion in the diet of people with diabetes. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and contain fibres lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose.

    Hesperidin in orange takes care of your heart health and cholesterol levels. This fruit fights against free radicals and helps in better absorption of iron. Folate, another compound found in it, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

    The glycemic index of oranges is in the range of 31 to 51. As it is acidic, avoid eating this fruit on an empty stomach or after a healthy meal. Instead, have it in between your meals as a light snack.

    3. Pomegranates Slow Down Aging

    Is pomegranate good for diabetes? It is a question frequently asked, and many myths surround it. The simple answer is yes; you can have pomegranate if you have diabetes.

    How is pomegranate good for diabetes? This fruit is rich in highly potent antioxidants, even stronger than green tea ones. So much so that these antioxidants only show their effect in your body after 30 minutes! Studies have shown that pomegranate seeds might increase your body’s insulin sensitivity and help regulate your blood sugar levels. This fruit prevents anaemia, is suitable for your gut, and boosts your immunity.

    Pomegranate has a fairly low glycemic index of 18. You can have it with or after your meals.

    4. Kiwi Is the Whole Package

    Kiwi is one of those fruits that work all around your body. The bonus is that they’re delicious as well! This fruit contains vitamins B6 and C, magnesium, calcium, and antioxidants. It is also a rich source of fibre.

    Kiwi is known to help lower blood pressure, and vitamin K accelerates wound healing, which is highly beneficial in diabetes. This fruit is also good for bowel movement, weight management, and the prevention of kidney stones. It contains the compound inositol, which is good for your skin and increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin. Hence, it helps in regulating your blood sugar levels.

    Kiwi had a glycemic index of 50. It is best to have this fruit before bedtime as a side dish or snack.

    Make Fruits Your Best Friends

    In the above paragraphs, we discussed the benefits of some fruits for diabetic patients. They work wonders in regulating your blood sugar levels when taken in healthy amounts and adequately. In addition, they offer numerous other health benefits as well!

    If you have a well-planned diet for diabetes, it is best to consult your dietician rather than make changes by yourself. Taking care of the small things and eating healthy would work a long way in helping you fight off diabetes.


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