Kamayani Naresh Founder of Zyropathy
The world is reeling under the fear of the Novel coronavirus pandemic as it continues on its deadly journey. It is a global phenomena which has transcended the boundaries of color, class , nationalities and other man made fragments. There is a general hysteria and mass confusion prevalent but when we sit back and ponder then we realize that coronavirus had also made some positive impacts in our lives. Researchers have noticed a curious fact which is validated by aerial pics and comparative pictures that the environment is cleaner, Sky is bluer. The pollution and greenhouse effects in major cities have fallen drastically because of limited vehicular movements and stoppage of industrial production. Delhi, which was considered a hell hole due to the pathetic air quality is now rated as a city with one of the lowest air pollution level.. The mountain ranges are visible from hundreds of kilometers away . This improved air quality will save many more lives in fact. The environment is healing itself. All our wrong doings in the past is being auto corrected. As awareness about natural and organic food stuff has grown by leaps and bounds. The study of coronavirus has shown that the only way to deal with it is by boosting the immunity . Natural produce does not contain any chemicals and hence have no side effects. This helps in enhancing the immunity. The fast pace of life and easy availability of means had hooked up people to ordering food. The processed and fast food have played a major role in the deteriorating health and lifestyle. But now with the laws in place and the fear for life, people have been forced to enjoy home cooked and home grown food. So, in simple words it is “ back to the roots”.
During the lockdown the movements are restricted. It is only for the essentials that one ventures out hence the expenditure has reduced drastically.We can not say that it is a saving for everyone as many have lost their jobs too . The temptation to spend on frivolous things which was there has come down considerably. In a way , money not spent is money saved. Due to traveling restrictions not only our nature has bloomed and healed but so has our family bindings . There has been instances of domestic violence and abuses too but overall there is an improvement in the family equation. As we are confined to the four walls we have got more time and opportunities to know and understand each other. Our understanding and importance of the family structure has increased. What was lost earlier in the hustle and bustle of routine life has been brought in the forefront—- family bondings. Another positive effect of restricted vehicular movements , according to the statistics , is that the number of accidents and mortality have gone down drastically. There is a nosedive in patients seeking emergency help and trauma related cases. This information might help the researchers to design safer patterns in the future.
The pandemic has prompted an increase in drug and substance abuse in some cases but generally it has increased awareness and encouraged us to embrace preventive measures. We are more conscious and aware about our health,the food that we eat ,our social responsibilities. For the first time out of fear for their lives or in order to avoid a retribution,people are following the norms of hand washing, social distancing, wearing masks etc .A visible positive effect is that people have understood that the spread takes place through mouth fluids basically so they have stopped “ spitting “ . Spitting here and there without any respect for public hygiene and aesthetics was the normal thing to do earlier. The fear of transmission of the virus has checked it majorly. People are aware and appreciative of the efforts done by the public health authorities. So there is a general shift in people’s mind set. Life continues and so does the social norms during the pandemic. Marriages and funerals have been a platform of lavish and extravagant display. More than a religious or social function it was an outlet to display the wealth and reiterate the social standing especially when it comes to the context of India.Now with the numbers of attendees being restricted by the law the functions of marriage,funeral etc have become very intimate and frugal. Earlier in the hustle bustle the sanctity of the occasion was lost.All the frivolous expenditure has been cut down drastically and people have realized the futility of the whole thing.
Lockdown has a very strange yet positive upstart when it comes down to a personal aspect. People who were caught up in their same mundane routine have discovered their new talents.With limited movements and resources at their disposal people are making the most of whatever is available . Various age group of people are coming forward online with their creativity. Videos are being shared of their new found talents. Enhanced creativity results in appreciation which in turn boosts an individuals confidence. 2020, in the beginning of the year the emphasis was on globalization and internalization. Corona has brought about a 360 degrees change in the business outlook . The focus is on local — localism is being encouraged. Under such circumstances we have seen an impetus and growth of the cottage industries. Logistics and transportation is a major issue so local produce has found a new respect. This has in turn helped economy to move on and not come to a complete stand still. A new found awareness and respect for healthy lifestyle has emerged. The physical movements are restricted so people are following yoga, exercises, meditation etc to keep their physical and mental balance. Online classes are thriving . Sedentary lifestyle does not mean a boring one so people have learnt to live and make the most with the bare basics.
Prior to Corona Pandemic hospitals were full with various chronic patients but now the footfalls are considerably less . Government has advised hospitals to maintain the highest level of sanitation and social distancing. This notice has limited the admissions in hospitals, hence in order to cover up the expenses some of the hospitals started charging an outrageous amount of money for treatment of Covid cases. Hilariously there is no treatment of it yet . Not everyone could afford these rates so some have found solace in alternative therapies and telephonic consultancy. There is a paradigm shift in the minds of people to avoid hospitals and modern medicine because hospitals are the most infected places and the modern medicine reduces immunity which plays a pivotal role in the overall wellness. There is no doubt that the novel coronavirus will and has taken a toll on the psyche and health of the people, the economy has taken a beating but the biggest beating has been taken by the medical fraternity or the pharmaceutical companies. They always had this attitude of “ be all, know all” — this pandemic has shown their true colors. Each day whether it is the WHO or the pharma companies they proclaim to be closer to finding a vaccine, doing tests and trials , new revelations etc and then within a few days they do a turnaround. The biggest validation of the above statement came in the form of a message by the UN Secretary- General Antonio Guterres, “ Despite… enormous scientific and technological advances of recent decades, a microscopic virus has brought us to our knees “ .
We need to understand that like various other viruses,coronavirus is there to stay in the habitat. People will have to learn to live with it. Studies have shown that it affects only those whose immunity is low and not everyone. Patients of chronic ailments are more susceptible because due to the side effects of medications their immunity has already been compromised. This realization that strong immune system is the game changer will lead to a more healthier species. Corona has thus acted like a moderator which will bring about a healthier mankind. History will judge and will applaud the changes it has brought about in the lifestyle and thought process of people.