He has a heart that beats for the ailing millions. That could be the reason why Badri Narayanan, a post graduate in Management and International Business from the prestigious Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) channelized his energy, efforts and resources to formulate a way out for the ever swelling number of diabetic patients in the country.
Overlooking many lucrative business options Badri used his technological brain to formulate an easy, affordable and effective system that could guide and assist the desperate diabetic patients to counter the dreadful disease which is killing over hundreds of thousands of people every and making the lives of many millions miserable.
Observing that compliance is the key for better management of Diabetes, Badri created an online software DiaSof that helps patients become Healthier, Anywhere Anytime. DiaSof helps patients access their medical records from anywhere and helps them share the key aspects of their health condition with their doctors electronically. DiaSof also reminds the users about their oncoming tests and meeting with doctors and thus helps them stay in the treatment cycle. More details can be found in www.diasof.com
With a view of helping the larger Diabetic community that may not have access to internet, Badri worked with the top specialists in the areas of eye, heart, kidneys, nerves and feet to create a set of powerful messages. These messages became a part of a service called DiaCel and were sent to patients via SMS with the intention of helping them Keep Away From Diabetic Complications in just 99 Days’. To know more about DiaCel, please visit www.diacel99.com
Although mobile penetration is very high in India, most instruments do not support the local languages and hence English literacy is critical to the use of SMS as a medium. In a country where 40% of the Diabetic population is in the rural areas, we need to look at more effective ways to reach the message of wellness to everybody.
And while working with patients, doctors and educators, Badri observed that patients had many questions about their health but did not ask their doctors and rarely when they did, they did not get clarity. These unasked and unanswered questions became, over time, deep barriers to their participation in their health be it following diet, taking medicines, exercising, testing and meeting the doctors for reviews.
Badri created DiaKare, the 24×7 Free Diabetes Health Line, to address both these problems of universal access and compliance barriers. Launched with messages in conversation-style formats in English and Tamil, DiaKare helps callers get clarity about their own health and answers their hidden questions. Going further, we would have these messages in as many local languages as possible. More information is available about DiaKare at www.diakare.com. To experience DiaKare, please call 044-66334353 at any time of your choice.
Badri writes on different topics at his blog www.badrirag.wordpress.com. Badri is also active in the sphere of music and runs a melody-only music group called Ever Green Melodies (www.evergreenmelodies.in)
Badri can be reached at care@nrichsoft.in or at twitter @badrirag.