New Delhi: “The Adventures of Super Sharkaru – The Shark That Flies,” authored by the creative genius Kanav Agnihotri, has emerged victorious, clinching the coveted third prize in the Children’s Book category at the Awards for Excellence in Book Production 2023. The esteemed accolade, presented by The Federation of Indian Publishers, underscores the graphic novel’s remarkable contribution to children’s literature and environmental awareness. Through imaginative storytelling, the novel addresses critical environmental issues such as plastic and chemical waste in our oceans.
Kanav Agnihotri’s journey from conceptualization to realization of “The Adventures of Super Sharkaru” was marked by determination, creativity, and passion. In these challenging times, he leveraged his surroundings and resources to bring his vision to life, ultimately creating an impactful graphic novel that resonates with children and parents alike.
Talking about his book writer, creator, visualiser and founder of Kantell Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Kanav Agnihotri said, “The Adventures of Super Sharkaru not only entertains through a fictional fantasy filled with magical powers hiding under the oceans, a battle between the heroes of Sharkaru Island and Villains at the marine debris island, but also educates children on the importance of protecting our planet.
It is a perfect blend of Fiction and reality together. Offering a call to action for the future climate leaders of our planet, the graphic novel tackles pressing issues like marine pollution and environmental conservation in the most creative and magical way, weaving them seamlessly into an enchanting narrative.” Super Sharkaru gets its powers from the oceans to fly out of the water to fight these evil forces along with his human friend Stonekav, the villains are trying to capture the island and its magical powers so that they can capture more than 70% of this planet.
This recognition not only celebrates the success of “The Adventures of Super Sharkaru” but also showcases India’s potential as a content creator in the realm of children’s literature and positions India’s fictional characters globally through an international problem of Climate Change and Marine Pollution. Kanav uses unique voice over storytelling in schools’ approach to resonate with young readers, making Super Sharkaru and his friends a beloved prospect animation hero among children. The book stands as a testimony to how creativity can be a powerful tool for positive change.
Kanav Agnihotri’s Kantell Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. has not only brought this imaginative world to life but is also committed to creating more such impactful stories. With Super Sharkaru and his friends leading the way, children and parents can look forward to many more thrilling adventures that blend entertainment with environmental consciousness. Taking Indian fictional animation characters to the world, conceptualised and made in India.