India’s premier Make In India, Power Solution conglomerate
“Uniline Energy System” has delivered telecom Inverters to Bhutan Telecom.

These Rack Mounted Invertors are rugged and reliable.
They are specially designed to work 24/7 with extra rating.
They delivery ultra clean power and operate free of any noise or distortion.
Uniline has supplied these Inverters in ratings of 3 and 5 KVA.

Talking to newsmen RK Bansal, MD, Founder – Uniline Energy said,
“ We are known for making reliability & rugged products.
We are proud to supply to Bhutan Telecom”
Uniline is the only company in India who has manufactured & supplied
such sensitive power solution product for the Telecom Industry.
Beside Bhutan, Uniline has also exported to Nigeria.
“We are expecting more orders to fall in line” Bansal concluded.
Uniline, has catered to various Telecom projects in the past.
HFCL project with installation of 15 KVA to 250 KVA UPSs
as well as with the renowned – BharatNET project with Tatas,
where Uniline has been awarded as their chosen Power Partner.

It has specifically catered for the customized requirements for the Indian Defense,Air Force as well as the Navy. It has empowered several Indian Naval ships with their indigenously manufactured technology to combats harsh conditions at the seas with ease.
Uniline prides of having installation with an European Aviation Company.