Car accidents are becoming a problem in the US, and the technology takeover doesn’t seem to be helping. In fact, there seem to be more accidents, with drivers focusing on their smartphones or GPS devices rather than the road.
In these trying times where distractions are aplenty, there’s a group of people you can trust – car accident lawyers. These legal professionals provide all the assistance you need to ensure all your damages and losses are fairly compensated.
But there’s only so much a lawyer can do. If you decide to ignore the lawyer’s recommendations or commit mistakes immediately after the accident, your chances of fair compensation go down.
This article talks about such mistakes. It lists six mistakes that you must avoid at all costs. Committing them may interfere with your right to seek fair compensation.
Here are the six mistakes that can hurt your car accident claim:
1.Not seeking medical attention immediately after the accident
2. Leaving the accident scene
3.Not hiring a lawyer
4. Apologizing
5. Trusting the insurance adjuster
6.Oversharing on social media
We’ll discuss each of the mistakes in the sections below.
Not seeking medical attention immediately after the accident
Car accident victims are expected to seek medical attention as soon as possible after the accident. This helps treat the injuries they’ve suffered and diagnose injuries that don’t show any symptoms.
Ignoring this tip can be disastrous for both your health and your car accident claim.
If you don’t visit the hospital, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will deny or reduce compensation. They will justify it by saying that your injuries weren’t serious enough to warrant a hospital visit.
Leaving the accident scene
All parties involved in an accident are expected to stay at the scene until the police arrive. This statement is not applicable for those who’ve suffered grievous injuries and need to be shifted to the hospital immediately.
Some states, like Illinois, even make leaving the accident scene a punishable offense. You run the risk of getting charged with a hit-and-run if you leave the scene of the accident before the police arrive.
Not hiring a lawyer
Trying to manage a car accident claim alone is the worst mistake you can make. You will have a hard time understanding what all the legal terms mean. Additionally, you may not be aware of all the relevant statutes in your state, increasing your chances of your car accident claim being denied.
Additionally, a lawyer will be beneficial if your case goes to court. Their representation will make all the difference between fair and low compensation.
People who apologize out of politeness after a car accident will have a hard time during a car accident claim. This is because apologizing is seen as a means of accepting fault.
Your odds in a car accident claim take a hit if you apologize to the at-fault party. It gives the at-fault driver enough ammunition to turn the car accident case on its head.
Trusting the insurance adjuster
Insurance companies are organizations that only look out for themselves. They will do anything to make sure accident victims get the lowest payout possible.
An insurance adjuster is an agent of the insurance company and has the same motive. Additionally, they are incentivized if they reduce the payout or deny the claim all together.
This is why trusting an insurance adjuster is a bad idea. Their words may sound sweet and calming, but their intent is to make you accept a settlement that is nowhere close to your actual losses.
Oversharing on social media
You may get the urge to share updates about your accident or your recovery progress. But it is important to note that all your posts are under the watchful eye of the insurance adjuster.
They will be on the hunt for anything that could be used against you. This could be something like using your social media posts to say that your injuries aren’t as serious as you make them seem to be.
In some instances, sharing vital injury-related information can give insurance companies what they need to turn a car accident claim in their favor.
Final Thoughts
A car accident claim is fraught with complications. You will need the help of a lawyer to overcome them.
Doing the right thing during a car accident claim is important, but so is avoiding mistakes. The tips in this article will help you get the compensation you deserve.